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Mercari, eBay, & Amazon selling marketplaces

Our favorite places to sell on eBay.
Mercari - A great 100% free ebay alternative




Mercari provides a hassle-free and secure way to buy and sell items straight from your mobile device or tablet.


It is one of our favorite selling platforms to write free articles / tip about, and chat about on my Armed to sell youtube channel because it is a great eBay alternative due to it's high traffic volume, lack of seller restrictions, and lack of search engine algorithm restrictions.


Mercari is currently 100% free to list on so sign up using our Mercari invide code and get a $2.00 credit.

Amazon - The easiest marketplace to list

If you hate taking pictures of products, and have products with barcodes, then Amazon is definately the place you want to list on.  You can list your products within seconds and have millions of potential customers looking for your products.


It's low lurning curve, high traffic, and Amazon FBA opportunities make this a great marketplace to sell on.   I have been selling on Amazon for years and recommended it to everyone I come across.

eBay - Our least favorite, but still viable

I debated on whether or not to even put ebay tips on our list, but I feel it is still a viable option as an online seller, and it is important not to keep all of your eggs in one basket.   eBay's fees are fairly high, but if you are getting your products for free at places like estate cleanouts, and dumpster diving, you can still stay profitable.


If you are a new seller, you have to deal with heavy seller restrictions which really hurts new sellers.   They  have a horrible feedback system which sets up sellers to get scammed, and the sellers have little to no power when it comes to disputing issues.  If you can get past all of that, you can still sucessfully make money, but eBay seems to be hurting right now with new competition such as Mercari and other sites becoming more popular.

Hi!  I'm Armed to sell

Welcome to my little piece of 

the internet.   I just wanted to 

tell you a little bit about myself.

I'm a military veteran


I am a disabled military veteran to be exact.  I serverd 11 years as a former U.S. Naval Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician who did 5 tours over seas.  1 tour in Iraq where I conducted counter IED operations for 6 months which earned me a purple heart, and a plethera of combat metals































I'm a treasure hunter at heart


I am a garage sale hunter, thrift store seeker, dumpster diver, medal detectorist, fossil hunter, and adventure seeker.


I'm an online seller


I am a full time online seller and sell on many marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, and Mercari.


I have sold over $300,000.00 worth of used goods from garage sales and thrift stores with my largest score being $20,000.00 worth of books I got for free out of a DUMPSTER!   

I like helping others











All of my tips is 100% free

and I hope you will find it useful.


I create youtube video content that focuses on how to sell on various selling platforms such as eBay, Amazon & Mercari.


I provide information on what things sell on eBay, where to find them and various other how to videos.   All of my content is just for fun.  

I am disabled!










As I said, I am a disabled military veteran that suffers from PTSD, and on top of that I have a history of depression in my family.  Creating youtube content and articles helps me be creative, and combat my issues.  I hope you appreciate the information I provide because sometimes it is hard just to get out of bed.


I am currently not selling online due to my depression taking over my life.  I hope to be able to get back to a normal life some day.

Site links
Youtube & Blog

Free stuff to help you become a better seller on Mercari, eBay & Amazon


There are many websites that want to charge you a LOT of money for information on how to sell on various seller platforms such as Mercari, eBay, & Amazon.   


This site is dedicated to helping out new sellers by providing free information on selling online.   I provide Mercari, eBay & Amazon articles with tips, and videos to help others gain knowledge and expertise to become better sellers.


I do have some stuff that I services I offer which are 100% tip based.  All tips go to my RV goal which can be seen below.


I also use eBay & Amazon affiliate links on my website to help pay for domain hosting and other costs of running this site and accept donations at the top of the page.  Tips are always appreciated but definately not required.



Click here for free links to help 

identify antiques, glass & collectibles

Mercari invite code

FHKAPY $2.00 credit

I love giving away 100% free Mercari selling tips, eBay, and Amazon help.











Tips on where I find my free stuff to sell online.


Depending on where you live there may be huge opportunities to find free stuff that you can flip for profit, but the question is where do you find these things?  I have an entire article with tips on where to find free stuff to sell online, but in short I go dumpster diving, and with my networking powers I have established friendships with estate cleanout companies that let me come in during cleanouts and take whatever I want.


There are probably plenty of places you can find free stuff to sell online, you just need to open your eyes, by thinking outside the box, and being persistant.




Unfortunately, selling online isn't free

Online seller tools of the trade

With the amazing exception of Mercari, selling online isn't free, but in this section I am not going to talk about fees, I am going to talk about having the right tools for the job.  Whether you are out looking for free stuff to sell online, or running an online business having the right tools can save you a lot of time and money.


Check out my Amazon store for tips on my recommended online seller equipment and supplies that will help make your seller life easier.

Mercari selling tips

Tips on what to buy

Tips on what to buy

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