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How to find free stuff to sell on eBay & Amazon to mkae money

A few methods to finding product to sell online when you don't have any money.

In this free article I am going to be discussing ways to find products to resell on ebay & Amazon when you don't have any money.




*DISCLAIMER*  These methods may not work for everyone, but they worked for me, and I paid my warehouse rent with free products I was selling on eBay & Amazon.   












Dumpster diving - Protecting the environment.

Know your local laws prior to dumpster diving.   I have found dumpster diving to be a very lucrative method to find products to sell online when you don't have any money.   Why is is such a good method?    Let's face it, many Americans are very wasteful.   On top of being wasteful, many of us are lazy.    When lazy and wasteful meet up, products with value going into the trash.    


Why are they thrown away?.                                Places to start looking.











Shopping / retail dumpsters -   Not all these dumpsters are going to product products, but if you are diligent, you will find dumpsters where employees are lazy, and do not follow the rules.  Rather than properly disposing of these items, they choose to just throw them in the trash.   These types of stores are covered under the shopping, strip, and used book store dumpsters.   These dumpsters are worth looking at every day if you are close, or closer to the trash day ( which requires you to know when that is )


Storage unit dumpsters - These dumpsters can produce all sorts of good items if you are lucky enough to hit them on a day when someone is moving out of their storage unit.   Some individuals would rather throw items away, then have to move them, or they may not even have a choice, and they have to throw them away.  These types of dumpsters are worth looking at on a daily basis.


Neighborhood trash days - The day before a neighborhood trash day can yield free items that people have placed on the curb for the trash collectors to put up.  Kick this method into overdrive by making friends with your trash collectors, and give them your phone number if they find any goodies.  You never know when they might come across something.   I have done it, and it works great!


College neighborhoods - This is another spot that was recommended to me by my local garbage collectors.   When the college students are graduating is a prime time to start driving through those neighborhoods in search of the out of state student who will just put the entire contents of an apartment on the curb.   I was told about one day when one of the garbage collector that find a like new PS4 sitting right on top for the trash.

Estate clean outs - Using your own time & helping others.

 Get paid & get free stuff to sell online.   This method is by far the most fun and rewarding.  If you can make the right connections wou will have more free stuff than you know what to do with which is why I am still working with local estate clean out companies.   Most clean out jobs are done by individuals that do it full time.  It is a tremendous amout of work which means some individuals may be looking for help in various ways.


 Helping with estate clean outs can go two ways.                                           Clean out people may be looking for:





Obviously the best of both worlds is to be able to get paid, and keep items you come across, but in many cases some people that do clean outs will not be able to afford to pay you, but they really need quality help.

Offering your labor in exchange for any items you want in the clean out can be a great way to make money. If you know what you are doing you can get way more for the items than you would have got if they were just paying you.


Craigslist, Facebook, & freecycle - Providing a service.

Coming up with a useful service could start generating income on its own so try to come up with a service people are looking for.   Craigslist, facebook, & freecycle are another place find free items.   


Craigslist & facebook - The obvious one section is the free section on Craigslist, but posting your own ad in search of items may result in people calling you to take stuff off their hands.  Providing a solid service to back up your ad such as pick ups within 24 hours will result in happy individuals that might just spread the word about you.


Freecycle -  There may be opportinitues on freecyle, but you will have to do your own reasearch on that one.



Friends & family - Providing a service.

Tell your friends & family to donate stuff to you!   Another great way is to ask your friend and family to give you first dibs on any items they are going to donate to any thrift stores.  Most people who are donating to these thrift stores are hoping their items are going to help someone, but I can guarantee they would rather help a friend or family member, rather than a thrift store.  Make it easy for them to get rid of their stuff, and everyone wins.


Final thoughts on where to find free stuff to sell online.

Finding free items to make money on is much easier than you think.   Once you open your eyes, and put in the effort, you will start coming across plenty of items you can make money on.   Speaking from personal experience, you can get to a point where you never have to worry about purchasing products to resell again which means your profits will be much higher.






  • Providing a service.

  • Solving a problem.

  • Protecting the environment.

  • Using your own time.

  • Helping others.

My ways to get free stuff:
Come up with your own by:
  • They are unaware that the items are valuable.

  • They are at a job so they don't care about the items they throw away.

  • They know the items are worth money, but don't want to deal with them

  • They are allowed by law to throw these things out in the trash.

  • Shopping mall dumpsters

  • Strip mall dumpsters

  • Storage unit dumpsters

  • Used book store dumpsters

  • Neighborhood trash days

  • College neighborhoods near graduation.

  • Physical labor.

  • eBay & Amazon knowledge

  • Selling opportunities.

  • Paid

  • Work in exchange for items

Dumpster diving
Estate clean outs
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