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Fossil hunting videos | Searching for fossils | Finding fossils in the wild

Fossil hunting videos | Searching for fossils | Finding fossils in the wild

Fossil hunting video #1

Exploring Pittsburgh Carboniferous? Fossil hunting + Deep thoughts VLOG


Searching for Carboniferous fossils in North Versailles, PA

Fossil finding video description

In this video I head to North Versailles on an unplanned fossil hunt.


I stopped off the side of the road to enjoy the view and get some fresh air, and noticed some excavated limestone and shale. I don't know for sure if these are Carboniferous fossils or not, but it seemed like the right area for them. I also had a realization recently which I share at the end of the video.

Fossil hunting video #2

Exploring Pittsburgh Carboniferous? Fossil hunting + Deep thoughts VLOG


Exploring Iowa | Northern IA fossil hunting | overgrown cemetery in the woods |

Fossil finding video description

While visiting my family in Minnesota, I decide to take them on an adventure into Northern Iowa where we do some limestone & sandstone fossile hunting, as well as stop off at an old mill, and visit an overgrown cemetary that is out in the middle of the woods.

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