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How I made $80,000.00 working from home selling on eBay & Amazon




















Making money from home hunting at garage sales & thrift stores.


My main marketplaces for selling new & used goods.


This page will be updated with more information so make sure to check back regularly.


eBay & Mercari


My primary marketplace for selling vintage used goods for the past 6 years has been eBay which is where I gained all of the knowedge and experience required to branch out into other market places.   I sold everything from vintage home decor, collectibles to modern video games there.


Mercari is a great new marketplace that we are always recommending to our subscribers on Youtube.  It is currently 100% free, has no seller limits, and has traffic with buyers comperable to eBay.




Once I had eBay down pat I felt like I need to have another source of income coming in that wasn't eBay so I decided to start selling on Amazon.   Amazon is a much more user friendly marketplace which requires much less knowedge and experience to start making money thanks to it's ranking system, no seller limits, and no need for photography.   If you want to take the easy route to generating some extra income, I would recommend starting off selling your new & used goods there.   On Amazon, I promarily sell books and media, but there are thousands of product types that you can sell.    If it has a barcode, or an Amazon catalog it can be sold there.



Building a solid foundation.


Want to make $80,000.00 selling online?   There are no tricks or secrets to being able to make amazing profits online.   There is a TON of information online that can help you make this kind of money.   Many places will try to charge you for the information that I am going to give you for free.   


I made over $80,000.00 selling new and used goods that I got from garage sales and thrift stores.   I will tell you right now you will probably not make $80,000.00 right off the bat, but if you use the tips that I give you in this article it will put you on the right path.


First of all you need a solid foundation of knowledge, and things to buy.   Without knowledge you will not find the profitable items that you need to reach $80,000.00.  Without the profitable items, you will not have enough inventory to reach those kinds of sales.


Selling used goods on eBay or similar marketplaces.


Knowledge to profit - research, research, research.


Where do you find the knowledge to find profitable items that will start making you money?   


You find the knowedge to find profitable used goods through solid research.   The internet is filled with information.  Check out my youtube channel for all of my helpful online selling videos.


Researching items through eBay's completed listings is the key to being able to find profitable items that no one else is looking for.   Check out my eBay BOLO list to get you started.    


Research all of my items that are in my list and make a mental list of everything to look for.  That research will lead you to other items to keep your eyes out for.    Eventually you will gain the experience needed to give you hints on what may be valuable when you are out at garage sales and thrift stores.    The more experience you have, the better you will be at being able to judge what is worth looking at, and what isn't.


Keywords -  The door to all your sales


Assuming that you already know the basics of selling on platforms such as eBay or Mercari, having the proper keywords for your titles and descriptions will help potential customers find the products you are trying to sell.   If you don't know how to write titles and descriptions that rank well on the search engines you are not going to be able to get the sales needed to generate huge profits.


If you are selling on a marketplace where you have to create your own titles and descriptions it is still possible to generate keyword rich titles and descriptions without even knowing how to do it.    Using eBay's completed listings you can use other seller's titles and descriptions by searching for sold listings that have done very well.   Study their titles to understand why they did so well.    Usually you will find that the best sellers have awesome keywords that you can use in your own listings.   How did these sellers find the keywords that made their items sell?   Through research of course.


I am not telling you to just copy and paste the other seller's descriptions, but I am telling you to use their titles, because you know they worked because they have items that have sold with those particular keywords.


The eBay marketplace - A good indicator for all marketplaces.


Even if you are not selling on eBay, it is still a good indicator of demand for various products so it is my go to marketplace for researching items that I am going to sell.   Even if I am selling on Amazon, it is always a good reference to see if something is actually selling.   When it comes to trying to determine whether or not to purchase something for reseale, your descision is only as good as the information you have to make that descision.


Once you have a solid foundation and know what to buy.


So you know what to buy because you have done your research and you know what to look for.   I guaratee you will start finding great used goods to be able to sell, and you know how to write titles that will help your customers find those items it is time to start building up your inventory.   Building up your inventory will take time and space.   Believe it or not, you don't need that much space to be able to do 80K a year, you just need to be able to turn that inventory around quickly so your products are not just sitting on your shelves.


Pricing your inventory to sell - research, research research


As I said before, having a solid foundation is the key to being able to make money.  You have already been researching items to look for.  Now it is time to start researching prices of products to be able to sucessfully sell those items.   Pricing products could be an entire article on it's own so I can't really get into it here to much, but remember to price or items competitively to give you a better chance at selling.   If you are a new seller, make sure to price your items lower than you normally would because you need to build feedback on your account.


When researching prices for your items on eBay, make sure to look at the sellers that have sold their items.   Do they have a high feedback rating?   If your feedback rating isn't high then you need to price your product lower.  Just having a high feedback rating means that you can command a higher price for your item because you have built up a reputation for quality products, and customers are willing to pay more for the security that comes from purchasing a product from someone who has a higher feedback.


Your used goods start selling online


Your research starts paying off, and you start selling the used goods that you get at garage sales and thrift stores.   Now is the time to start reinvesting your money into other used goods.   This is where you become an investor.   Look at every item that you want to purchase, and think of it as an investement.   How much money is this item going to give back on your investment?   There are many different avenues of approach when it comes to this, but always shoot for 100% profit on anything you are going to purchase.   That being said, 100% profit is the minimum and you should always shoot for higher.  If you do your research you can easily get 1000% return on many products you come across.


Rinse and repeat -  The profit making machine


Now that you have a solid foundation on researching, building titles, pricing your products and finding invenory, all you have to do is keep doing it over and over again.   It will take time, but you will build inventory to sell, which will give you more profit, experience, and money to reinvest until you reach 80K or even more.    


There are a few things to consider when you are trying to make money selling online.


The Plateau - You are 1 person, and math doesn't work in your favor.


Selling on your own will only get you so far.   There are only so many hours in the day, and you can only be in one place at a time.    There are many roles that need to be performed that are not really related to selling which means that you lose time on listing products.    


No matter how fast you are, you will Plateau and not be able to get past certain sales points.   Having dedicated listers can result in much higher sales.





$20,000.00+ sales from a dumpster

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