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3 Mercari selling hacks, tips & tricks to make more money

Sell more on Mercari with these proven methods.   Subscribe to me on

Mercari is the biggest community-powered shopping app from Japan, for anyone to buy and sell anything, from anywhere, in seconds.


Traffic on this great selling app is actually higher than ebay which means there are some great opportunities to make some great money if you know the tricks of the trade.


Most sellers on Mercari do not have a clue what they are doing.   They take horrible pictures, and write little to no titles or descriptions.    


In this article I will discuss 3 hacks, tips & tricks that you can use to get an edge over all of the other sellers out there.   If you are ready to start making some real cash, make sure to read all th entire article.









#1 Hacking the title and description


When it comes to Mercari, the title and description are the second most important aspect of your listing.   Unlike eBay, Mercari's search engine searches the title and the entire description which means you have a huge opportunity to get your items discovered by potential buyers. 


These hacks will give you a major advantage over other sellers and help you sell your items faster.

Title hack

Hack the title using keyword rich descriptive words  using all 40 characters provided in the title.

Description hack

Hack the description by trying to utilizing as much of the 1200 charcters as possible using keywords that describe your item.


When it comes to adding keywords to your description it is important to remember that Mercari does not like keyword spamming so try to use keywords that are relevant to your item.


More tips on the description.
  • Try to think like the person who is going to be looking for your item.

  • Think outside the box with keywords.  Would your items be a good gift for father's day, mother's day or any other special occasion?    Add those keywords at the bottom of your description.

  • Be accurate when you are describing your item and make sure that any flaws, no matter how small are noted in the description.

  • Use keyword reserch tools such as ubersuggest to give you a better idea of possible keywords that you are not aware of.









#2 Hacking pictures


When it comes to pictures, the old saying is true.  They really do say a thousand words.   They are 100% the most important part of your listing due to the fact that most people don't even bother reading the description.  If they do read the descripion, hack #1 has you already setup for success.

Photography hack

Hack your photos by providing crisp, clear photos that give the buyer all the information they need to make a descision on whether or not to purchase your item.   Mercari only allows 4 pictures, but you can get around this by using a collage program such as Pic Stich for the iphone or another collage program for Android.


Photography tips
  • Use a photography cube to get great lighting for your items.

  • If you don't have a photography cube, go outside and use natural lighting.

  • Get pictures 360 degrees around your item.

  • Get closups of any damage or wear on the item

  • Photograph any serial numbers.  This will protect you in the event that someone tries to switch items after a purchase and try to return it.











#3 Potential customer hack


Mercari is notorius for lowballers and people to just leave rude comments on products.  This hack / tip will help avoid lowballers and disruptive comments.

Customer hack

This customer hack could have went under the description hack, but I feel it needs it's own spot on the list.   The best way to avoid lowballers and disruptive comments is to have a clear disclaimer in your destription that states the following:


  • Reasonable offers will be considered.

  • Lowball offers will be ignored.

  • Rude or disrupted commenters will be blocked.

  • If you would like to bundle items, feel free to contact me.

  • Questions will be answered as soon as time allows.

  • Payment is only accepted through Mercari.


Mercari hacks, tips and tricks conclusion


Mercari is an an amazing alternative to ebay.   The high traffic and balance of power between the buyer and seller make it an enjoyable platform to sell on.   Using the 3 hacks provided will keep you on the top of your game, and get the sales rolling in.

Mercari selling tips, Mercari hacks, Mercari tricks
Mercari tips & tricks, Mercari hacks, How to sell on Mercari,
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Mercari selling hacks tips tricks
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