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Things to sell on eBay to make money at home

1 money making eBay niche market -  Sell these things on ebay to make money at home


In this article, I am going over some very specific things that you can sell on eBay for good money.  These things are more obscure than most, and chances are you have passed by them many times at garage sales, and thrift stores.   Don't forget to checkout my eBay bolo list to see what other things that can make you money from home.


To start things off, we are going to cover the broad portion of the niche then dial down to various niches inside.


 The broad niche - Vintage kitchen products


Kitchen products sell very well on eBay and are a great spot to look for things that will can make you money.  


Why I like to sell kitchen products


  • Things can be found cheap or even free if they come from your own home.

  • Things are generally easy to ship

  • They are in constant demand

  • Discontinued products can make you more money

  • Generally easy to test

  • They have things that can be lost which means replacement parts can make you money.

What kind of kitchen products can make money on eBay?


When it comes to the vintage kitchen products to sell, things can get a little overwhelming if you don't specialize.


Flatware ebay niche

Flatware is one of my favorite things to sell on eBay because you can find large lots of them at garage sales and they can be real money makers.   Here are some more reasons why I like to sell flatware on eBay.


  • Easy to find at garage sales, thrift stores or your own home.

  • Easy to ship

  • Easy to date

  • Moderately hard to identify ( which is good )

  • Customers look for specific patterns

  • Many discontinued patterns

  • Easy to tell if things are damaged or broken


Examples of valuable flatware you can make money on.

Click the links below to view current sold prices on eBay.

How to sell flatware on eBay

I am going to assume that you already know how to sell on eBay so I am just going to cover the main sticking points when it comes to making money on flatware.


Identification -   The hardest part about making money on flatware is the identification portion.   Many flatware sets have identification markings on the back that will help you identify what pattern they are.   When you have that information, head on over to and search for your pattern.


It may take a LONG time to sort through the thousands of patterns, or you may find it right away.   Once you find your pattern, I would recommend using as much of the information on without just copying the page.    Helpful information such as pattern codes, mfg codes and other idenification can be helpful when customers are looking for your flatware.


If you can't find the pattern on, you may have a rare pattern.  Try using ebay's completed listings to see if you can find a match there.  Worst case scenario, you have to create your own keywords for your flatware which isn't the end of the world.  Just use descriptive keywords of your flatware's pattern


Slow sellers - The higher prices flatware can take awhile to sell, but for the most part if you price your flatware competitively, you should have no problems selling.


Pots & Pans ebay niche

Pots & pans are another greatly thing you can sell on eBay.   Here is why I like them these things to sell.

  • Easy to find at garage sales, thrift stores or in your house.

  • Fairly easy to ship

  • Easy to identify

  • Possibility of replacement parts

  • Many discontinued products

  • Easy to tell if they are damaged or broken


Examples of profitable pots & pans you can make money on.

Click the links below to view current sold prices on eBay

How to find profitable pots & pans without knowing the names

When it comes to finding money making pots & pans, it is all about the quality of the cookware.   The easiest thing you can do to know if they are worth selling is to check  how heavy they are.   Heavy = quality, quality = money


Identification - Identifying good pots and pans is fairly easy.  The markings will either be on the bottom of the pan, or on the side.  Here are some terms to look out for.

  • X- PLY   X being a number usually between 2-5.  The higher the better.

  • Surgical stainless steel

  • Made in USA


Small & specialy appliances ebay niche

Small appliances are another section of our eBay vintage kitchen niche that you can make money on.  Here are some of the reasons I like small appliances.


  • Easy to find

  • Fairly easy to ship

  • Nostalgia factor

  • Vintage appliances are just made better

  • Discontinued products are always profitable

  • Posibility of replacement parts

  • Vintage and modern


Examples of profitable small appliances you can make money on.

Click the links below to view current sold prices on Amazon


Hopefully this article has opened your eyes to some new things to sell on eBay to make money from home.

things that sell on ebay to make money from home
things that sell on ebay to make money from home
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