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Pittsburgh Dumpster Diving locations 

Looking to do a dive into the trash in the Pittsburgh area?


Due to Pittsburgh's lax trash collection laws this area has proven to be an amazing place to find treasures in the trash, collect scrap metal and other valuable items that get thrown out with the trash.   It has been so profitable that I actually paid for my warehouse with 100% dumpster finds.    


Want to go out on the town to do some diving?   Pittsburgh has many dumpster that can produce great finds that can make you money.    Someone has done some of the legwork for you to create a Pittsburgh Dumpster diving map showing locations of possible diving location.   It even has some notes on the dumpsters describing the best times to search them


How to find your own dumpsters.

When you first start out dumpster diving, it can be pretty frustrating so I will give you tips to finding good dumpsters in the Pittsburgh area.   These diving tips should help you find your own spots to search.


Before we get too far into the dumpster diving locations ( which are below ) lets go over some safety precautions and general rules for dumpster diving.


Dumpster diving hazards

Here are some helpful tips to keep you safe when you are dumpster diving.

  • Be respectful to employees working at dumpster sites.

  • Go with a buddy or tell somone where you are going.

  • Know what you are jumping into prior to going in.

  • Do not interfere with trash collectors.

  • Do not dumpster dive in locations that could have hazardous materials.  Just because it is illegal to dispose of hazardous chemicals in the trash, doesn't mean that people don't do it.


Dumpster diving Do's and Don't

  • Do be respectful to individuals working at dumpster sites.

  • Don't leave trash outside of the dumpster.

  • Don't go in trash compactors.

  • Don't give police a reason to arrest you. 

  • Don't give individuals working at dump locations a reason to call the police.

  • Do carry a paper copy of Pittsburgh dumpster diving laws.

  • Do leave dumpster sites better than the were when you got there.


Dumpster diving equipment

  • Paper of Pittsburgh dumpster diving laws just in case someone tries to tell you dumpster diving is illegal.

  • Coveralls so you don't ruin your clothes

  • Safety glasses

  • Stepping stool to get in and out of dumpsters

  • Flashlight / headlamp

  • Gloves to keep your hands clean and safe

  • Long stick to move stuff around


Good dumpster locations to search.

Some of these locations will be pretty obvious, but others are more obscure and are definately worth checking out.

  • Behind strip malls

  • Behind big department stores                                                                       My best dumpster dive find in Pittsburgh.

  • Behind thrift stores

  • At storage units

  • Residential street dumpsters      

  • School dumpsters

  • University dumpsters

  • Recycling centers


Other trash locations to search.

  • Alleys in nice neighborhoods

  • Front lawns in nice neighborhoods

  • College neighborhoods





     A big thanks goes out to whoever created this Pittsburgh location list.   If you are the owner, please contact me       so I can give you credit, and if you want to go dumpster diving hit me up!











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