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myeBay seller limits - eBay restrictions that affect new sellers










Seller limits on eBay restrict new sellers from being able to make real money online.


One of the biggest fustrations I see with new sellers right now is eBay's seller restrictions.   This seller limit seriously affect how new sellers react to the eBay marketplace.   


myeBay - The second account I tried to make


I decided to start up a second account because I wanted to start up a niche store to seperate some of the products I was selling.   Even with my primary account having over 3500 positive feedbacks I was still force to deal with the 90 day seller restrictions imposted by eBay.   


eBay's policy on seller limits


You may have limits placed on your account or on particular categories and items until you confirm certain information or establish a positive selling history. These limits help you become a more successful seller, in addition to ensuring a safer experience for all eBay members.

We have 3 types of limits:

  • Account limits

  • Category limits

  • Item limits

Other limits may apply to your account, and selling limits also apply if you have an eBay Store.Selling limits are considered separately from the number of free insertion fees for auction-style listings available per calendar month.

Keep in mind that registering new accounts or buying and selling with other existing accounts to avoid buying and selling limits or other policy consequences is a violation of our policies. Learn more about our policy forusing multiple accounts.


Increasing your seller limits


When you list an item, you may see a message letting you know that you have met, or are close to, one of your monthly account limits. If you don't want to wait until the next month to continue listing, click the link in the message to request higher selling limits. You may also find this link in My eBay > All Selling in the Monthly selling limits section or in Seller Hub > Overview.

From time to time, we may ask you to verify contact information, business practices, or other information before you're allowed to list more items.

We may send you an email with more information on what you need to do next. You can find the email in the Messages section of My eBay or Seller Hub. Once we verify your information, we review your account to see if we can allow you to list more items.

If you already have an established seller account


You may be able to raise the limits on your account if you have another, more established seller account on eBay. Your other account needs to meet all of these conditions:

  1. It's been 90 days since you received your first Feedback for a successful sale.

  2. You don't have any unresolved eBay Money Back Guarantee requests or PayPal Purchase Protection cases.

  3. Your detailed seller ratings are at least 4.8 in all areas.


If your account meets all of these conditions, follow the instructions on the Request higher selling limits page to confirm that you already have an established seller account.

If you have a history of selling authentic items

If you've been a seller for at least 90 days with good detailed seller ratings, and are confident in the authenticity and origin of your items, you may be eligible to have your selling limit increased. We consider the following when we determine whether to change your selling limits:

  • Positive buyer Feedback

  • No unresolved eBay Money Back Guarantee requests or PayPal Purchase Protection cases with buyers

  • Selling history (minimum 3 months) and activity as a seller on the site

  • Absence of Feedback questioning the authenticity of the item(s)

  • History of following eBay policies

  • General good standing of your account


If you don't qualify to have your limits increased, check back in 30 days. You may be able to list more of certain items in certain categories at that time. These selling limits only apply to certain categories or types of items, so you can usually continue listing other types of items as long as they also follow our policies. Find out more about our rules for sellers.


Ways to get around eBay's seller limits as a new seller


Looking for a way to get around eBay's seller limits?   Well I hate to burst your bubble but there really isn't away around the 90 day seller limits.  The only real way you can get around eBay's seller limits is to sell on a different marketplace.



Marketplaces with no seller limits




Amazon has no seller limits, no requirements for pictures and their listing process is SO much easier than eBay.   If you sell products with ISBN or UPC codes Amazon is a great place to sell your products.   There are no monthly fees and the traffic is Amazing.




Mercari is a fairly new marketplace that is 100% on your phone.  They have huge potential with their no seller fees, easy listing process, no messed up algorithms that hide your products and best of all they are 100% free.




If you sell vintage or handmade products Etsy may be a good site to explore.  They also have no seller limits, but are restrictive on what can be sold there.




I  don't have much experience with Poshmark but I know they don't have seller limits either but I hear their fees are quite high.  


myeBay seller limits are destroying eBay.


With more an more sites like Mercari and Poshmark popping up eBay is falling behind the times.  Their sales are going to suffer more and more because the seller restrictions turn off potential new customers.   


With eBays track record of treating their sellers poorly many of their large sellers such as myself hafe jumped ship to find marketplaces that treat their sellers fairly.


If you are thinking about selling on eBay, or you already are selling on eBay I would recommend not putting all of your eggs in one basket.  Start selling on the above sites that I mention so you don't end up going down with eBay because I believe the seller limits are going to sink eBay all the way.


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